
Peripheral Venous Disease: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

  Peripheral venous disease (PVD) is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. It occurs when the veins in your legs are unable to efficiently return blood to the heart. While it might sound harmless, this condition can lead to severe complications if not managed properly. In this blog, we will explore what PVD is, its symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options, so you can take charge of your health and prevent the condition from progressing. What is Peripheral Venous Disease and How Does It Affect You? Peripheral venous disease encompasses a range of conditions that impact the veins in the legs, leading to challenges in the proper return of blood from the lower extremities to the heart. Unlike arterial disease , where the arteries are narrowed or blocked, PVD involves problems with the veins, often due to malfunctioning valves or weakened vein walls. As a result, blood accumulates in the veins, causing symptoms such as swelling, varicose veins, and le...

Arteriovenous Malformations: Unraveling the Condition and Modern Treatments

  An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare but serious medical condition involving abnormal tangles of blood vessels connecting arteries and veins. Unlike the normal circulatory process, where arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to tissues and veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart, an AVM disrupts this balance, causing direct blood flow between arteries and veins. This can lead to complications such as oxygen deprivation in surrounding tissues, vessel ruptures, and life-threatening hemorrhages. AVMs can occur anywhere in the body, but they are most commonly found in the brain and spinal cord. These malformations often remain asymptomatic until complications arise, making awareness and early diagnosis critical for preventing severe outcomes. Dr. Achintya Sharma, an expert vascular and endovascular surgeon, emphasizes the importance of recognizing the early warning signs and seeking prompt medical attention. Why Should You Care About Arteriovenous Malformation? If lef...

Understanding Foot Veins: A Comprehensive Guide

Foot veins are vital for healthy blood circulation in the lower body. They transport blood from the feet back to the heart, overcoming gravity with the help of tiny valves that keep the blood flowing in the right direction. If these veins face problems, such as weakened valves or obstructions, it can lead to swelling, discomfort, or other complications. Keeping foot veins healthy involves understanding their function and taking simple preventive measures. This knowledge is essential for avoiding long-term issues and ensuring proper circulation, which supports overall health and well-being. With attention and care, you can maintain the health of your foot veins effectively. Superficial Veins Superficial veins are located just beneath the skin. The primary superficial veins in the foot include the dorsal venous arch and the great saphenous vein. These veins are visible in some people, especially those with fair or thin skin. Dorsal Venous Arch : This vein runs across the top of the foot,...